
as fast as she can.

Location: Blueberry, Tomato Soup, United States

I love the parts of my job directly related to the students within the four walls of my classroom. I am ecstatically married and the grateful mom of an incredible teenager. That being said, neither teaching, marriage, nor parenting is for sissies.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

c.s. would be proud

Now all I need is a wardrobe.Posted by Picasa


What Works

I have this lofty idea that I'm going to focus on the positive. Not that I don't have my fair share of challenges (and most of them have initials -- beware the initials! NCLB, AP, API, AYP, BCC ... you have no idea how blind carbon copies impact my life. Neither do I, by their nature, but you figure ... they have initials, SO), but because I DO have my fair share of challenges. For the past few months, I've derived quite a bit of strength from reading other teacher blogs from around the country, however. In such an isolated profession, the internet has been a great source of connection -- whether it's emailing co-workers in my building, my district, my city, state, country ... you get the picture. So I've decided to give this a shot. Today's "what works" - blogging. There, wasn't that incredibly helpful?


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Okay, I have to say something

There's a blog, it's featured at MSNBC.COM about a teacher's teacher - someone whose job involves teaching teachers (duh). It's full of grammatical and spelling errors. No foolin'. And not the kind like the one I just used, where it's obvious I know that's a fragment but I chose to do it for effect. The other kind. And she's supposed to be TEACHING TEACHERS.


Most of us are smarter, nicer, and generally more with-it than you might believe.


Sunday, October 08, 2006

First Day

I have absolutely no time whatsoever, so what better to do than begin a time-intensive activity like blogging.
Presently, I'm in a bit of a mood - I love parts of my job, most of it actually. I just don't feel like I fit in, heck I don't fit in where I live. So, I'm on a mission to get to a new place.
There's more to talk about, but like I said, bit of a mood today, so I'll need to wait until somethign strikes me as worth writing about. Oh, pooh, no comic sans font. I can make my words the color of one of my favorite things, though. Coffee.

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