
as fast as she can.

Location: Blueberry, Tomato Soup, United States

I love the parts of my job directly related to the students within the four walls of my classroom. I am ecstatically married and the grateful mom of an incredible teenager. That being said, neither teaching, marriage, nor parenting is for sissies.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Okay, I have to say something

There's a blog, it's featured at MSNBC.COM about a teacher's teacher - someone whose job involves teaching teachers (duh). It's full of grammatical and spelling errors. No foolin'. And not the kind like the one I just used, where it's obvious I know that's a fragment but I chose to do it for effect. The other kind. And she's supposed to be TEACHING TEACHERS.


Most of us are smarter, nicer, and generally more with-it than you might believe.


Sunday, October 08, 2006

First Day

I have absolutely no time whatsoever, so what better to do than begin a time-intensive activity like blogging.
Presently, I'm in a bit of a mood - I love parts of my job, most of it actually. I just don't feel like I fit in, heck I don't fit in where I live. So, I'm on a mission to get to a new place.
There's more to talk about, but like I said, bit of a mood today, so I'll need to wait until somethign strikes me as worth writing about. Oh, pooh, no comic sans font. I can make my words the color of one of my favorite things, though. Coffee.

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